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How to Avoid Fraud, Identity Theft, and Online Scams

Guest Presenter Officer Brad Park of the Normal Police Department reviews, explains, and discusses the best practices to combat and prevent common types of identity theft, online scams, and other fraudulent activities. 

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About the Webinar

Officer Brad Park has over twenty years of experience with the Normal Police Department. In this webinar, hosted by Ritchie Law Office, Ltd., Officer Park will discuss how to identify, combat, and prevent common forms of identity theft.


After viewing this webinar, you will be able to identify:​​

Identity Theft 

Including how financial identity theft is defined by the law, how thieves obtain personal information, and what criminals can do with your identity after gaining access to your personal information.

Common Types of Scams

Including overpayment, romance, lottery, telephone scams, skimming, and other scams to beware of.

Webinar Presenters

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Chad A. Ritchie

Webinar Host and Presenter


Officer Brad Park

Webinar Presenter

Best Practices for Online Safety

Including the benefits and liabilities of credit and debit card transactions, navigating online purchases, and other ways to protect yourself and your identity.

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