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Phill Hermes:
Medicare Insurance Webinar

Phil Hermes has been representing Medicare clients for 33 years and has extensive experience with both Medicare as a supplement and the Medicare Advantage Plan. As a fellow baby boomer, he understands the challenges that come with transitioning to Medicare. 


Register now for our webinar!


Phil will cover frequently asked questions, such as:

  • How to make the most of your rights, options and entitlements

  • How and when to enroll in Medicare

  • What Medicare does and doesn't cover

  • Medicare Advantage vs. Medicare Supplement insurance

  • Whether or not you are missing out on lower rates

  • Getting the service you deserve from a local agent

Registration is free and open to everyone!

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Chad A. Ritchie

Webinar Host 

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Phill Hermes

Webinar Guest Presenter

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